Kejriwal – Raising stakes

Kejriwal aka The Muffler Man is back. He has been a anti-corruption crusader and a self-proclaimed incorruptible and only honesty certifying agency in the world. After 49 days of winter, he’s back for 5 seasons of winter. We don’t know if corruption will ever end but Arvind Kejriwal has raised the stakes.

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Basic Necessities

Yesterday was deadline for posting about Net Neutrality in India. More details on and if I remember correctly, this is the third time TRAI is seeking if we should’ve Net Neutrality or not. The major force which wants India should not have Net Neutrality in India is Facebook. First starting with which it has now beautifully renamed as Free Basics. But what is Net Neutrality & what is our basics?

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Good Bye 110023

It’s been over 23 year my address had been revolving around the PIN Code 110023. I’ve been so much attached that at many places this has been my permanent address (actually just like we put –do– or –Same as above– in Permanent Address & Present Address field). Now it’s time to move on… not leaving Delhi but 110023 is not where I’ll be.

Spent all school days from this place, even returned here in college, , got first job, got married and also have a kid. When so much happen around the same place you grew up, it actually holds a special place. Remember many shortcuts, those cycle races, play grounds, chased away by gardeners, house-hopping. Actually have been spoilt by the area and never will find such a place. As my dad says, “We are living at the citadel”, yes Raisina Hill is not for from there 😉 We bid farewell to friends, offices, jobs and even to frenemies but this is me leaving with a heavy heart and lots of memories. Good Bye 110023.

Are we there yet?

For a long time, I’ve intrigued that what is the status of India, are we a developing nation or a developed one. I wrote this post Can India be superpower? almost a year and half back. I can not say if this is a logical extension to same, may be you could suggest me where this fits. This brings us to a major question, will we ever be a Developed Nation? Continue reading “Are we there yet?”

My Movies, My Way!

The greatest movie buff I’ve ever known is Nitish Kumar but for past sometime, I’m thinking of skipping movies at theatres because all latest Hindi movies come to TV within months, thanks to all Satellite Rights. Sadly they are useless because for profit they insert ads, chop scenes, extend the viewing time. Case of English movies, I guess I’ve watched all on TV around couple of times over & over. I’m traditionally a movie theatre person, but that charm seems to be loosing, movies ain’t cheap anymore. Continue reading “My Movies, My Way!”

OneDrive Drives me now

There are times when we feel if we had this or that document. I faced this a lot and put my data on cloud, as they say it. My first space was mail provider which have lot of space (Google Gmail was choice then). Due to limitation, I moved to AjaXplorer (now called Pydio), because I had space available with my host and kept things in my control. They have an app too. With advent of services like DropBox & Box, it seemed I was just using up my hosting space.

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