My Missing Days

The Party pic
The larger group was not even half as pretty.

I guess it was last I was visible here on Bastille Day i.e.  14th of July. Bastille Day happens to be day of French Revolution that occurred on 14th July 1789. So how does it relate to my absence? On 14th July is supposed to be my birthday. The time I’ve been going through since then is nothing less than a Roller-Coaster. Continue reading “My Missing Days”

My Kolkata Honeymoon

Nearly a month back from now, just to keep in touch a mail loop was started. Little did I know what the future holds? My friends were looking for a get-together, with almost all the things planned. Then someone whispered in my ears, “Why don’t you join?” That was it, just 20 days left for the meet and here I’m thinking of how to plan everything. As the saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Thanks to few people who helped me with my booking and I was ready to meet the great gang, most of them I’ll be meeting after a gap of nearly than 2 years. Continue reading “My Kolkata Honeymoon”

TCS – ILP 8th December 2008

It has been a year now, but the feeling is still fresh. I remember how nearly a year back I bid farewell to my dear ones and boarded for a new journey. Clutching my mobile thinking, now it’s probably the only way I can contact. Called all random numbers I knew, announced to all my friends that I’m going for training, TCS Trivandrum and one common question I heard, “why so far? When you’ll return.” I could manage to say “I’ll be back in a month” and the journey started. Continue reading “TCS – ILP 8th December 2008”