Home Automation – The Beginning

This is the first part of many (definitely more than one) of my home automation journey and will act as an anecdote of my experience while trying to setup the home automation. It may not be informative but surely would provide an insight of what not to do.

Yup thats me, you probably wonder how I got here.

Continue reading “Home Automation – The Beginning”

Streaming dreams – Part 2

This is a continuation of Streaming dreams – Part 1. I highly recommend visiting the earlier article. In case you are as lazy as me, read on. This post has lots of time jumps and refers few points from earlier post.

Continue reading “Streaming dreams – Part 2”

My Movies, My Way!

The greatest movie buff I’ve ever known is Nitish Kumar but for past sometime, I’m thinking of skipping movies at theatres because all latest Hindi movies come to TV within months, thanks to all Satellite Rights. Sadly they are useless because for profit they insert ads, chop scenes, extend the viewing time. Case of English movies, I guess I’ve watched all on TV around couple of times over & over. I’m traditionally a movie theatre person, but that charm seems to be loosing, movies ain’t cheap anymore. Continue reading “My Movies, My Way!”