Who are we laughing at?

I saw a video couple of days back doing rounds of Facebook. It was the video of a Doordarshan reporter reporting from IFFI – titled “The most stupid DD Anchor straight from IFFI, Goa”. The video went viral after being released and the reporter being slammed for being the most stupid anchor. The initial share I saw, is now made private. There was an article too by India Today group which aptly titled it 20 howlers from the most stupid TV anchor ever – Do not think of going there, it’s removed now.

I too laughed for sometime but then I realized what a sad state if mind we have!

Continue reading “Who are we laughing at?”

10 Stupid Things People Believe About Photographers

I’m no photographer but I do have a fancy camera, I had $$$ to blow.  Read this article on PixelPluck, which actually represents my agony of carrying this bulky load called DSLR. This does cover a lot of points, but then there are some which I face a lot too. Continue reading “10 Stupid Things People Believe About Photographers”

A month of (no) Facebook

On 01 October 2014, I decided to skip Facebook. This has direct impact on my blog, I wrote little more – I hope.

Other things that changed is I’m getting fewer notifications. Since I’m not posting no more Likes and Comments. Amazingly, no likes on my posts publicised on Facebook either! Continue reading “A month of (no) Facebook”

Show me the green

There has been a lot of hue and cry over bringing the black money back to India. Supreme Court is asking Government of India to give a detailed report. We hear Switzerland is willing to share all details of holders. But with all this being said, where is the money and will it ever come back?


Continue reading “Show me the green”

Do you prefer Kutta or Kameena?

We should always be with the times but when time comes we either forget it or whatever be the reason – overshoot the margin.

This started as my life long love for “kameena” ishq was called “kutta” and below is my take is on Bollywood songs/lyrics, which seems to be doing too much. Continue reading “Do you prefer Kutta or Kameena?”

Indian Ocean, Bournemouth – Restaurant not to visit

Some days back, I put up a review on TripAdvisor but the same was removed stating inconsistency. I thought TripAdvisor was considerate enough to understand the “behavioural disorder” mentioned in the review.

Below is exact copy of the review posted in TripAdvisor as feedback for my visit to Indian Ocean Restaurant and Takeaway at Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom on 13 September, 2014. I submitted the review on 17th September, 2014 and got rejected from TripAdvisor on 18th September, 2014.

Continue reading “Indian Ocean, Bournemouth – Restaurant not to visit”